Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Giving Your Self and Body of Christ


Giving Your Self

Weekly Contemplative Worship Experience

Sep 26, 2010

Welcome to OneLife Ministries, an online ministry of Brian Kenneth Wilcox Ministries. This site is designed to lead you prayerfully into a heart experience of Divine Presence, Who is Love. I hope persons of varied wisdom paths will find inspiration here.

Brian Kenneth Wilcox

You are invited to join Brian at his groups on Facebook. They are Brian Kenneth Wilcox; OneLife Ministries - Weekly Contemplative Worship Experience; Sanctum of Prayer; Love & Light – Brian Kenneth Wilcox Videos; Christian Spirituality – The Way of the Heart; John of the Cross – His Love Mysticism for Today; Mystic Love Poetry – Poetry of Brian Kenneth Wilcox & Friends. Brian is on YouTube with videos pertaining to spirituality; his channel is Brian Kenneth Wilcox. He is on Tweeter. For details or booking of events, contact Brian at briankwilcox@yahoo.com .



Our relationship with the Living Christ is to be one of falling in Love. We are formed to fall in Love with Love. Then, we share that Love through the particularity of our being, and spiritual gifts and talents. By falling in Love with Love daily, we have loving eyes to see others, a loving heart to offer them, and loving hands to bless the world with the touch of the Living Christ.

*Jason Gray. “More Like Falling in Love.”


Today, I invite you to relax, breathe deeply, close your eyes, and enter into the Quiet of Silent Prayer, Meditation. Enjoy a while in this Silence. For those who like music as background during your Quiet, I give the video below. I recommend below a mantra, or prayer-word, or invocation; however, feel free to enjoy the Silence however you choose.
Breathing in: Come
Breathing out: holy Spirit


We can discover Love, trusting our past can be forgiven, our wounds healed, and find ourselves opening our arms to the Beloved Within, and also to others. Blessed are those who find this Love, this healing Love, in the arms of a human beloved, love. Never close your heart, never say, "True Love is impossible for me." Of course, our first True Love is God-Within, and from that Love flows our capacity to share Love - indeed, share ourselves - with others.

*Journey. “Open Arms.”


Prayer requests can be posted at Sanctum of Prayer, on Facebook, or sent to Brian at the listed email above. Time will be devoted to the request in loving faith.

Hold in prayer audibly or in silence intercessions for persons and needs, petitions for yourself, and thanksgiving and praise. End the time with Prayerful Silence.


Heart to heart, we relate to the Divine Spirit, the Seed of God, within us each. We grow, through this intimacy-sharing, to open our hearts more with others, and enjoy close spiritual kinship with persons whom we can share heart-to-heart with - in depth beyond words. We are blessed immensely to share such Intimacy: “When you say nothing at all.”

*Alison Krauss. “When You Say Nothing At All.”


All of you together are the one Body of Christ;
each one of you is a member of that Body.”

I Corinthians 12.27



Brian Kenneth Wilcox, Chaplain, MDIV, MFT, PHD


I encourage you to end the service with prayerful reflections on Giving Your Self, and enjoyment of Silence. I urge you to make some resolution to apply our theme for today to your life this week. See below for music to accompany the practice, if you wish to use it.

*Paul Collier. "Air."

Blessings to all who shared with us in the Worship experience, and blessings to everyone, and all Nature. Amen.


Brian Kenneth Wilcox

©Brian Kenneth Wilcox Ministries. 09/26/2010

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*OneLife Ministries is a division of Brian Kenneth Wilcox Ministries, SW Florida. Brian lives a vowed life, as an Associate of Greenbough House of Prayer.

*You can order his book An Ache for Union from major booksellers.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Giving Your Self and Body of Christ

©Brian Wilcox 2024